1. Popcorn sales kits are due this week.
2. Costume Meeting
3. Remembrance Day Vigil (Nov 5th)
1. Popcorn sales kits
Please bring the completed forms to the meeting this week - Oct 29th.
We submit the collected forms.
The popcorn gets ordered and eventually delivered.
We handout the popcorn to the cubs and parents and they collect and turn in the money.
2. Costume Meeting
Time: 18:30 - 20:00
Date: Wednesday Oct 29th
Place: Bernard Grandmaitre
Cubs may wear a costume to the meeting.
The costumes have to follow the basic school restrictions:
- No facemasks
- No restrictive clothing or outfits
- No weapons
Cubs should also bring:
- dues ($1)
- cub book
- notebook and pen/pencil
- indoor shoes
- uniform (if they aren't wearing a costume)
3. Remembrance Day Vigil
Date: Nov 5th
Drop Off:
Time: 18:30
St Leonard School
5344 Long Island Road
Manotick K4M 1E8
Pick Up
Time: 20:00
Dickinson Square, Manotick
A-Pack will meet with the Scouts at St. Leonard and hike to the Cenotaph in Manotick.
Afterwards we'll have hot chocolate.