Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Christmas Party!

Day: Wednesday December 17th
Time: 18:30 - 20:00
Place: Moncion's
685 River Road

Cubs should wear their uniforms and bring indoor shoes.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Christmas Party Numbers So Far

Here's what I have so far.

# Attending
Ayden Dorman
Sage Dorman
Colton Guest
Logan MacCulloch
Emmerson McLellan-Campbell
Leo McSweeney
Tristan Mondoux
Nathan Morrow
Jakob Parato
Eric Paterson
Tyler Peppy
Kyle Ricker
Joshua Semeniuk
Benjamin Tibbo

Liam Tinley
Greg Zuccato

To clarify:
There is no cost for cubs - A-Pack will be covering those costs from the pack account.

Additional houses for siblings are $10.

The deadline for changing the number of houses is Friday 12th at 13:00

Day: Wednesday December 17th
Time: 18:30 - 20:00
Place: Moncion's
685 River Road

Monday, December 8, 2014

December 10th Meeting


1. December 10th meeting
2. December 17th meeting + Christmas Party
3. Holiday Break

1 - December 10th Meeting

Day: Wednesday December 10
Time: 18:30 - 20:00
Place: Bernard Grandmaitre Gym

Cubs should bring:

  • uniform
  • cub book
  • pencil/pen + paper
  • dues $1
  • indoor shoes

2 - Christmas Party

Day: Wednesday December 17th
Time: 18:30 - 20:00
Place: Moncion's
685 River Road

We're going to be decorating gingerbread houses.

Please confirm your cub will be attending - we have to pay for each gingerbread house.
Also, siblings can attend and decorate a house. The cost for additional houses is $10 each.
The deadline for changing the number of houses is Friday 12th at 13:00

# Attending
Ayden Dorman
Sage Dorman
Colton Guest
Logan MacCulloch
Emmerson McLellan-Campbell
Leo McSweeney
Tristan Mondoux
Nathan Morrow
Jakob Parato
Eric Paterson
Tyler Peppy
Kyle Ricker
Joshua Semeniuk
Benjamin Tibbo

Liam Tinley
Greg Zuccato

3 - Holiday Break

There will be no cubs on the following dates:
  • Dec 24th
  • Dec 31st
Cubs will resume Wednesday January 7th.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

December 3rd Meeting

1. Karate Night!
2. Santa Claus Parade

1. Karate Night!

We have a special guest this week: Sensei Jasmine from Douvris.
Sensei Jasmine will be giving a karate demonstration and instruction later in the meeting.

Date: Wednesday Dec 3
Time: 18:30 - 20:00
Place: Bernard Grandmaitre Gym

Cubs should bring:

  • uniform
  • cub book
  • notebook + pen/pencil
  • dues ($1)
  • indoor shoes

Any cubs that have a Karate Gi can bring it with them and change into it when Sensei Jasmine begins the karate demonstration and instruction.

2. Santa Claus Parade

The full details are in a previous post.

Date: Dec 6th
Time: 12:00 - 14:15
Manotick Arena
5572 Doctor Leach Dr.
Manotick, ON

What I need to know, by tomorrow Dec 3rd, is whether your cub is attending.
Here is what I have so far:

Attending Parade
Ayden Dorman
Sage Dorman
Colton Guest

Logan MacCulloch
Emmerson McLellan-Campbell
Leo McSweeney

Tristan Mondoux
Nathan Morrow

Jakob Parato
Eric Paterson
Tyler Peppy
Kyle Ricker

Joshua Semiuk
Benjamin Tibbo

Liam Tinley
Greg Zuccato

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Christmas Parade Details - Dec 6th

Date: Dec 6th
Time: 12:00 - 14:15
Manotick Arena
5572 Doctor Leach Dr.
Manotick, ON

1st Manotick Parade Invite (pdf)

Details from the invite:

We will be participating in the annual Manotick Christmas Parade which takes place on Saturday December 6th.

If you are interested in participating you must let your Section Leader know by December 4th –  
Dress warmly
We will be meeting at the Manotick Arena at 12:00 p.m. to decorate the floats.
Each section is responsible to bring decorations for the floats
The parade commences at 1:00 p.m. and will end at approx. 2:15 p.m
Youth pick up will be at the Manotick Arena. 
Please dress your child for the weather! 
Scouts will be collecting non-perishable food and accepting cash donations for local food cupboards

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Nov 26th Meeting

Date: Wednesday Nov 26th
Time: 18:30 - 20:00
Place: Bernard Grandmaitre Gym

Cubs should bring:

  • uniform
  • cub book
  • notebook + pen/pencil
  • dues
  • indoor shoes

Friday, November 21, 2014

Nov 22 Hot Dog Roast is CANCELLED

Sorry everyone.

We have to cancel the Saturday Nov 22nd event.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Nov 19th Meeting + Upcoming Events

1. Nov 19th Meeting
2. Meet with Scouts at No'Chimik
3. Sixer & Second Workshop
4. Santa Claus Parade

1. November 19th Meeting

Date: Wednesday Nov 19th
Time: 18:30 - 20:00
Place: Bernard Grandmaitre Gym

Cubs should bring:
  • uniform
  • cub book
  • notebook + pen/pencil
  • dues
  • indoor shoes

2. Hot Dog Roast at No'Chimik

Date: Saturday Novemeber 22
Time: 12:30 - 14:30
    Camp No'Chimik
    5943 2nd Line Road South
    Kars, ON

    Detailed directions and site map can be found in previous meeting post.

What: Meet with the Scouts, build a fire, cook hot dogs, and have hot chocolate.

If your cubs want to attend I have to know by Thursday Nov 20, 18:00 or earlier.

This activity depends on getting enough cubs, getting enough scouts, and getting enough leaders. If we don't have enough of something I will let you know by Friday Nov 21, 18:00.

This is an outdoor activity so cubs will have to be warmly dressed. Long johns, boots, mitts, hats, etc. They will need a day pack with extra mitts, mug, and a plate, and a water bottle with water and a snack in case they need it.

3. Sixer and Second Workshop

Date: Saturday Nov 29
Time: 13:00 - 17:00
St. Timothy's
2400 Alta Vista Drive, Ottawa

This is open to all second and third year cubs, they do not have to be sixers or seconds, but they do need to be a second or a third year.
This workshop is meant as a leadership workshop for 2nd and third year cub scouts.

Any cubs that are interested please let us know at the November 19th meeting (or before).

4. Manotick Santa Claus Parade

Date: Saturday Dec 6th
Time: 12:00 - 14:30/15:00
Place: Usually at the Manotick Arena

The parade starts around 13:00. We meet early with the other 1st Manotick groups and decorate the floats. After the parade we un-decorate and have hot chocolate.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Sixer And Second Workshop

Day: Saturday, Nov 29
Time: 13:00 - 17:00
St. Timothy's
2400 Alta Vista Drive, Ottawa

This is open to all second and third year cubs, they do not have to be sixers or seconds, but they do need to be a second or a third year.
This workshop is meant as a leadership workshop for 2nd and third year cub scouts.

Any cubs that are interested please let us know at the November 19th meeting (or before).

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

November 12 Meeting

Day: Wednesday November 12
Time: 18:30 - 20:00

Place: Camp No'Chimick
5943 2nd Line Road South
Kars, ON

Google Maps Link:

We are going to meet near the large metal storage containers, i.e., parents will drop off and pick up at the containers.

From 2nd Line Road turn onto the laneway and drive towards the house and barns.
Follow the laneway past the house and barns towards the storage containers.
(see the picture at the end of the post)

Google maps says it is about 20 minutes from Riverside South.

We are going to have a camp fire and invest the new tender-pad cubs and the sixers and seconds,

From Environment Canada:
A few showers ending in the morning then mainly cloudy. Wind southwest 30 km/h. Temperature falling to plus 1 in the afternoon.
Cubs should bring:

  • uniform (and necker if they have it)
  • day pack
  • gloves, hats
  • boots -- not sneakers
  • rain gear (packed just in case)
  • be warmly dressed (we will be outside the whole time)
  • flashlight
  • mug for hot chocolate (the leaders will supply the hot chocolate).
  • a snack for the campfire.

Stay Tuned: If there is a change in plans due to weather, logistics, etc. I will let everyone know.

If you have any questions or concerns you can email or call/txt 613.203.3479

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Participating in the Manotick Remembrance Day Ceremony

From Scouter Cam

Remembrance Day 2014

As in previous years, any leaders who are available are invited to participate in the Remembrance Day ceremonies in Manotick with the Legion. The schedule is as follows:
1)      Assemble in the Manotick Mews parking lot no later than 10:30 AM November 11. Please wear uniform.
2)      Parade with the Legion and other groups to the Cenotaph for the 11AM service.
3)      We will lay a wreath along with many other groups.
4)      Parade back – refreshments available at the Legion for all participates at 12:00

For any youth who attend Manotick Public – please wear your uniform (or at least the necker) and when the school comes over to the Cenotaph look for Scouter Cam and you can help lay the wreath during the ceremony.



Tuesday, November 4, 2014

November 5th Meeting

Date: Wednesday November 5th

Drop Off:
18:30 at Saint Leonard School (different location, different school!)
5344 Long Island Road
Manotick, K4M 1E8

Pick Up:
20:00 at Dickinson Square, Manotick.

The Cubs will join the Scouts at St. Leonard.

The Cubs and Scouts will hike to the Cenotaph at Dickinson square for a pre-Remembrance Day Ceremony.

This activity is rain or (moon) shine :-)

Cubs should bring:

  • Uniform and Necker (if they have it)
  • A poppy
  • Flashlight
  • Mug for hot chocolate
  • Day Pack
  • Gloves and Hat
  • Boots
  • Dressed warmly and prepared for rain.
The forecast is a high of 8° going down to 1°. 
There is a 60% chance of rain in the afternoon.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Oct 29th Meeting

1.  Popcorn sales kits are due this week.
2.  Costume Meeting
3. Remembrance  Day Vigil (Nov 5th)

1.  Popcorn sales kits 
Please bring the completed forms to the meeting this week - Oct 29th.
We submit the collected forms.
The popcorn gets ordered and eventually delivered.
We handout the popcorn to the cubs and parents and they collect and turn in the money.

2. Costume Meeting
Time: 18:30 - 20:00
Date: Wednesday Oct 29th
Place: Bernard Grandmaitre

Cubs may wear a costume to the meeting.
The costumes have to follow the basic school restrictions:

  • No facemasks
  • No restrictive clothing or outfits
  • No weapons 

Cubs should also bring:
  • dues ($1)
  • cub book
  • notebook and pen/pencil
  • indoor shoes
  • uniform (if they aren't wearing a costume)

3.  Remembrance  Day Vigil 
Date: Nov 5th

Drop Off:
Time: 18:30
St Leonard School
5344 Long Island Road
Manotick K4M 1E8

Pick Up
Time: 20:00
Dickinson Square, Manotick

A-Pack will meet with the Scouts at St. Leonard and hike to the Cenotaph in Manotick.
Afterwards we'll have hot chocolate.

Friday, October 24, 2014

DOH! - No Movie with Voyageur Council

I just got this reply regarding the movie.

I am sorry. We only got the email on the 22nd and mine was in spam folder.
Next time we'll just "shoot from the hip" and ask tickets and then ask parents.

Hello, Unfortunately we have already reached our maximum numbers.  Thank you for your interest, please check out voy.scouts.ca for all the other upcoming Voyageur Council Events. Yours in Scouting,Nolan Smith

From: Todd MacCulloch <todd@macfong.com>To: vascious@rogers.com Sent: Friday, October 24, 2014 11:34 AMSubject: 1st Manotick A-Pack - Movie Seats
Can we reserve 25 seats?
At this point I have 15 confirmed with only about 50% response so I'd like to add some padding.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Upcoming Events Oct 22 - 29th

4 Topics
  1. Movie Night - Respond by Friday Oct 24th 13:00
  2. Clean Up at Camp No'Chimik - Respond by Friday Oct 24th 17:00
  3. Pop Sales Kit - Turn in at Oct 29th Meeting
  4. Halloween Meeting - Oct 29th Meeting

1. Movie with Voyageur Council

Voyageur Council has been given the opportunity to attend the screening Penguins of Madagascar for free on Saturday, November 22, 2014.

We have to let them know the numbers by 12:00 PM Friday Oct 24th. Email me an let me know.

Date: Saturday Nov 22.
Location: Coliseum Ottawa
Time: 10:00 AM
Address: 3090 Carling Ave, Nepean, ON

2. Clean Up at Camp No'Chimik
Although RAAD is cancelled, Scouter Dan and Scouter Sue are going to use the opportunity to clean up Camp No'Chimik. I included their message below. Let me know by Friday Oct 24th 17:00 if you are interested.

Date: Saturday October 25
Time: 12:00 - 16:00
Place: 5943 2nd Line Road South Kars, ON canada
As a result we are proposing plan B which is to spend the afternoon at No'Chimick between noon and 4PM.

There is no fee and we will provide hotdogs buns and weiners that they can cook over the fire.

We ask that your child bring the following:

Day pack
Rain jacket
Warm sweater
Work gloves

Please let me know if your child will join us for an afternoon of fresh air, exercise and fun.

3. Popcorn Sales Kits
You have to hand in the kit at the group meeting on Oct 29th.

4. Halloween Meeting
Oct 29 will be our Halloween Meeting.
Cubs can attend in costume.
Costume restrictions are:

  • No facemasks
  • No restrictive clothing or outfits
  • No weapons 

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Red Star (A2) - Cubs Active Living Program

Cubs Active Living Program

In order to earn your Red Star you must complete an active living program. You are going to create your own active living program. You must follow the program for a total of 2 weeks (14 days).

  • Daily exercise
  • Awareness of your diet and how it relates to Health Canada’s food guide
  • Proper hygiene

Step 1

Read the following sections in your cub book. Answer any of the questions presented in those sections. These are all found in the Health and Fitness section.

Keeping Clean: pages 168 - 169
Good Food and Cooking: pages 170-171
Exercise: pages 172-174
Drugs and Their Effect on the Body - pages 183-189

Step 2

Complete the following each day for 2 weeks.

  • Complete 15 minutes of daily exercise. It can be anything, walking, running, sports, push-ups, stretching, yoga, etc.
  • Pick a meal such as lunch or dinner and record what you ate and what food group it belongs to.
  • Follow your daily hygiene regime, brush your teeth, floss, wash hands, change underwear etc.

Sample Daily log:
Day 1
  1. Hockey game – 50 minutes
  2. Soccer practice – 1 hour
For lunch you had a ham and cheese sandwich , a glass of milk, an apple and 2 cookies.
Meal – lunch
Grain Products
– 2 slices of white bread
Vegetables and Fruit
            - 1 Apple
Milk Products
            - 1 glass milk – 1 cup
Meat and Alternatives
            - 2 slices ham
Junk Food
- 2 cookies (Girl Guide mint)

Step 3
Submit your completed Active Living Program daily log.