Tuesday, November 11, 2014

November 12 Meeting

Day: Wednesday November 12
Time: 18:30 - 20:00

Place: Camp No'Chimick
5943 2nd Line Road South
Kars, ON

Google Maps Link:

We are going to meet near the large metal storage containers, i.e., parents will drop off and pick up at the containers.

From 2nd Line Road turn onto the laneway and drive towards the house and barns.
Follow the laneway past the house and barns towards the storage containers.
(see the picture at the end of the post)

Google maps says it is about 20 minutes from Riverside South.

We are going to have a camp fire and invest the new tender-pad cubs and the sixers and seconds,

From Environment Canada:
A few showers ending in the morning then mainly cloudy. Wind southwest 30 km/h. Temperature falling to plus 1 in the afternoon.
Cubs should bring:

  • uniform (and necker if they have it)
  • day pack
  • gloves, hats
  • boots -- not sneakers
  • rain gear (packed just in case)
  • be warmly dressed (we will be outside the whole time)
  • flashlight
  • mug for hot chocolate (the leaders will supply the hot chocolate).
  • a snack for the campfire.

Stay Tuned: If there is a change in plans due to weather, logistics, etc. I will let everyone know.

If you have any questions or concerns you can email or call/txt 613.203.3479