1. Swim Up / Moving Up Ceremony Night
2. Fun Haven Night
3. All Sections Camp
1. Swim Up / Moving Up Ceremony
Day: Wednesday May 13th
Start: 18:30
End: 20:00
Location: Claudette Cain Park (at the picnic shelter between the two parking lots).
See the linked 1st Manotick Invitation from the Group Commissioner.
Here is the text from the invite if the link doesn't work:
All 1st Manotick Scouts (Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Venturers) and their family members are invited to our annual ‘Moving Up’ Ceremony.
This brief Ceremony marks the transition that takes place every year when the oldest Scouts in each Section ‘graduate’ to the next level to continue their journey through Scouting. Beavers are welcomed to the Pack, Cubs move to the Troop, and Scouts join the Company.
A free BBQ provided by M&M Meat Shops will round out the evening.
Where: Claudette Cain Park (660 River Rd.)
The picnic shelter located between the two parking lots
Date: Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Time: 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm
6:35 Combined Opening
6:40 Leader & Scout Recognition
6:55 ‘Moving Up’ Ceremony (each Section in turn)
7:15 - BBQ
Uniforms are required for Scouts and Leaders
2. Funhaven
Day: Wednesday May 20th
Location: Funhaven
Time: 18:00 - 21:00
Pizza supper followed by games and activities at Funhaven
Some things to remember about Funhaven:
Socks are a health and safety requirement of our Jungle Gym/Ballocity area. Please ensure your group all have socks, or they will be available for purchase at the facility for $2 per pair.
Running shoes are a safety requirement for the Climbing Wall, and will definitely make your Laser Tag experience more comfortable!
3. All Sections Camp
Start: 18:30 Friday May 29th
End: 11:30 Sunday May 31st
Location: Fitzroy Harbour
From our Group Commissioner:
The 1st Manotick Group All-Sections Camp is an (annual) event where all of our Sections (Venturers through Beavers) can come together to enjoy two nights of outdoor camping, plus a ceremonial campfire and other activities. This year, the event has been scheduled for the weekend of May 29-31 (the last weekend in May). We are planning to book the group campsite at Fitzroy Harbour Provincial Park to hold this event. The Camp will run from 6:30 pm on the Friday night until approximately 11:30 am on the Sunday morning.
The Group Commissioner has the preliminary numbers and we have enough interest to make it a group event!
If we do two nights (Friday and Saturday) campers have the option of attending for one or both of the nights.
Also anyone that doesn't want to stay overnight would be free to join us for the Saturday activities (i.e., arrive Saturday morning and leave Saturday night).