Saturday, September 19, 2015

Meeting Notes - Sept 23rd


1. Canoe Night
2. Apple Day Fundraiser
3. Rideau Area Activity Day Registration
4. Popcorn Fundraiser

1. Canoe Night

Day: Wednesday Sept 23
Location: (note: different place)
Long Island Locks (from Parks Canada) and from Google Maps
Nichols Island Road
Ottawa, ON
Start Time: 18:00 (note: early start)
End Time: 19:30 (note: early finish)

Parents will drop off their cubs at the locks.
Parents will pick up their cubs from the locks.

Scouter Dan has offered to drop off the canoes and lend us a few Venture Scouts.

We will do some water and canoe orientation and spend some time on the water.

If your cubs have Personal Floatation Device (PFD) they should bring it. If they don't have a PFD that is ok, we have have group life jackets but the cubs may be more comfortable with their own.

Note: because we will be getting into and out of canoes on the water, cubs should wear light footwear in case they end up in the water -- avoid heavy boots or tall rubber boots.

2. Apple Day

Day: Saturday Oct 3rd
Location: Steve MacLean Public School (parking lot)
Start Time: 09:00
End Time: 11:30

A link to the group flyer with event details.


  • Cubs and Parents meet at Steve MacLean (or Manotick Arena if that is more convenient) anytime after 09:00.
  • Cubs wear uniforms and neckers (if they have them).
  • Cubs bring baskets for apples and containers to collect donations.
  • Cubs and parents are assigned a map and section and collect donations in that section.
  • Cubs and parents return the collected donations to their staring location by 11:30

3. Rideau Area Activity Day Registration

Registration Deadline: Wednesday Oct 7th

Event Date: Saturday Oct 24th
Start Time: 13:00
End Time: 16:45
Cannamore Orchard: Home of the Spooky Wagon Ride
County Rd 32
Cannamore, ON
K0A 1R0

Cost: $18 / cub

Link to activity flyer.
Link to parents letter.

4. Popcorn

Some cubs received their sales kits at the end of the last meeting.
For those that didn't I will try to deliver them before, or at, our next meeting.

What is Scouts Popcorn? 
A Fundraising program. See the Scouts Popcorn website.