Monday, January 4, 2016

Jan 6th Meeting


1. Toboggan Night

1. Toboggan Night

Date: Wednesday Jan 6th
Location: Four Seasons Park
Start: 18:30
End: 19:30 (note: early pick up)

We can meet in the parking lot. If you arrive later you can meet us at the hill.

Parents can pick up at anytime from the hill (be sure to sign out).

We will head back to the parking lot around 19:30.

We will be outside the whole time. Cubs should dress warmly:

  • boots
  • mitts
  • hat / helmet
  • jacket, snowpants, etc.
Cubs can bring a headlamp if they have one.

I will have few extra toboggans, flying saucers, etc.

Parents and siblings are welcome (please note: a parent has if a sibling is joining us).