Monday, April 25, 2016

Meeting Notes - April 27th


  1. Wednesday Meeting
  2. Rideau Challenge - Bronze
  3. Council Camp - Cuboree
  4. Swim Up Ceremony

1. Wednesday Meeting

Day: Wednesday April 27
Location: Gym Bernard Grandmaitre
Start Time: 18:30
End Time: 20:00

Cubs should bring:

  • uniform and necker
  • $1 dues
  • cub book
  • pencil and paper
  • indoor shoes

I have the Registration Form For Library Cards.
It is a simple 1 page form.
The form covers new member ship, renewal, and replacement.
You can check your library card status on line
We will be going to the Manotick library on the May 4th or May 11th.

On Wednesday the 27th you can:
a) fill out the form when you drop off your cub
b) get the form from me when you drop off your cub and bring it back when you pick up
c) take the form home and bring it when we go to the library
d) you may already have a valid card

2. Rideau Challenge - Bronze

Day: Saturday May 7th
Start Time: 09:00
End Time: 15:00 - 16:00 

So far we have 8 cubs and 2 leaders. See our Activity Page -- let me know if I have the number wrong.

Link to the event flyer (PDF).

From the Rideau Area page
The Rideau Challenge Journey is an annual hike on the Rideau Trail, through Marlborough Forest. This event, sponsored by the Rideau Area Scouters’ Club, has been running for more than 20 years and has proven to be a memorable experience for all.
The Rideau Challenge Journey is designed to provide an age appropriate hiking experience and is comprised of three different hike programs:
Bronze level for youth with little or no backpacking experience. Scouters hike with the youth and hike only on the Saturday, camping Saturday night at the common camp site, HQ.
Silver level for those youth who have some backpacking experience. The youth backpack with their personal gear without leader assistance, for two days, camping at the common campsite with Scouters on Saturday night, HQ. 
Gold Level is for the youth who want to experience a completely self-contained backpacking adventure with two nights camping and two full days hiking.
A-Pack will be participating in Bronze level.

3. Council Camp - Cuboree

Start Date: Friday June 3rd 17:00 
End Date: Sunday June 5th 12:00 ish

See our Activity Page for details

So far we have 7 cubs,  2 leaders and 1 parent. 
See our Activity Page -- let me know if I have the number wrong.
The deadline for letting me know is this Wednesday April 27th

4. Swim Up Ceremony

Date: Tuesday May 17th (different day)
Location: Claudette Cain Park (different location)

This is our annual Swim-Up / Progression ceremony and BBQ.
Details will follow.